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E-resource guide: ClinicalKey Student

ClinicalKey Student

E-book collection and link

ClinicalKey Student 

Content Interactive education platform for medical training processes. Includes e-books, videos, images and quick access summaries.
How to find the e-books

You can find the e-books in Andor or in the service's own interface. Images and videos can be found in the service's interface.

Number of simultaneous users


  • You can read the e-books online.
  • To use ClinicalKey Student you must register to the service and then log in with your username and password. Please use your tuni email address to register.
  • More information on Elsevier's website.
Downloading / apps

The apps allow you to download titles you have launched to ClinicalKey Student website.

  • Mobile app (iOS or Android): You can download the mobile app directly in the iOS or Android app store. To find the app, search for the name of the app (ClinicalKey Student Bookshelf) or a keyword (eg. ClinicalKey, Elsevier). The first time you use the mobile app, you must be in the university network. Later you can use the app in any network. 
  • Desktop app (Windows 10+): The app name appers as Elsevier Clinical Key Medical Education. You can use the app in any network. Use your ClinicalKey Student username and password to log in to the app.
  • More information for downloading on Elsevier's website.

You can print for your own personal, noncommercial use. Please use the ClinicalKey print icon to print your content.

User guide

ClinicalKey Student Support Center

Terms of use Read the terms of use
More information
  • ClinicalKey Student is available for the members of Tampere University Foundation. It is not available in Tampere University Hospital.
  • The password should contain a capital letter and a special character. If the password is incorrect, the database will indicate “Try again later”
  • The Bookshelf feature enables you to add highlighting, notes, and bookmarks to content. It also allows you to export notes to Microsoft OneNote and to share highlights and notes with other ClinicalKey Student users.
  • Images and videos may be used in non-commercial theses in accordance with appropriate referral practices.


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